Calling All English Majors!

Calling All English Majors!

By Debra Scala Giokas

If you majored in English, as I did, you may have been asked this question along the way: So you want to teach?

I am not against teachers. Quite the opposite. Many of our members teach as college adjuncts. I also taught a course for six years in services marketing. But that was after I was well into my career in marketing communications.

It seems that the age-old assumption about that English degree still holds true. Over the years and across the country, an English grad by the name of Alyssa W. Christensen from Seattle, decided to dispel the myth…and help some current and future grads who may have trouble finding their way…or who may even be doubting their decision to major in literature.

With all the emphasis on STEM subjects, it’s really hard to profess your love of Shakespeare these days. So let’s count the ways to combat the pressure!

Ms. Christensen used her degree in creative writing (with an emphasis on poetry) and created the site I am happy to be a part of the site, as one of her recent interviews.

If you have an English major in your life, go ahead and point them in this direction…it may be just what they need to find their way, too.

Oh, the places they’ll go!

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By |2024-07-06T21:27:58-04:00November 2nd, 2019|Latest News, News, The Professional|
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