Guest Blog by Diana Bassett, PRPLI Treasurer and Founder and President of Diana Bassett Public Relations

On September 26, PRPLI hosted our first event of the 2023-2024 year: AI Tools for PR Pros featuring Peter Shankman, entrepreneur, author, and founder of Help A Reporter Out (HARO)

Before I summarize the event, I would like to share a disclaimer with you. I never wanted to use AI. Maybe I’ve seen way too many science fiction movies or maybe I’m just getting old and reluctant to learn new technology (I suddenly understand how my grandma felt about the VHS players). Everyone around me, both in PR and in the rest of the world seemed to be moving forward, and I was left behind. I was unsure how I felt about the PRPLI event encouraging AI, not because it wasn’t a great event, but because it reminded me how I could slowly become obsolete if I didn’t catch up. So, off I went to attend the event. 

I will start with Peter’s first words of advice, always say please and thank you, this way when AI turns on us and comes for us, they will remember you were kind to them and come for you last. (Side note: I always say please and thank you to Alexa for that reason)

Some important points I took from the event: AI can’t improve upon what you don’t know. Meaning you still have to know the basics, just like every other new technological advancement.  

Some things AI can help with:

Press releases: You still have to know how to write your press release, but maybe I can save those hours of stress over the tedious title creation

Researching reporters: Just dreaming of the amount of hours I will get back in my day looking up everything there is to know about 100-something reporters before I begin media outreach. I was sold right there. 

Writing in their voice to help improve pitches: I found this fascinating. Being able to tailor your pitch to match the tone of the person you are reaching out to. Brilliant or scary. Probably both, but it’s definitely useful.

Proofreading: Days of hoping a colleague has free time to proofread something you swear you read a million times but still missed that extra comma or commonly misspelled word in hopes that you don’t send the final draft with an error to the client. 

I’m not going to say I did a complete 180 following everything Peter shared with us, but hey, I did use AI to assist me as I wrote this blog….

Here are some things AI told me it would do for the industry:

Data analysis: PR professionals deal with vast amounts of data, from media mentions to social media interactions. AI-powered analytics tools can quickly process and analyze this data, providing insights into audience sentiment, trends, and the effectiveness of PR campaigns.

Media Monitoring: AI-driven media monitoring tools can scan news articles, social media posts, and other online content to track brand mentions, competitor activity, and emerging trends. This helps PR professionals stay informed and respond promptly to relevant news and events.

Content Creation: AI can assist in generating content, such as press releases, reports, and blog posts. Natural Language Generation (NLG) tools can automate the writing of routine materials, saving time for PR professionals.

Media Outreach: AI can help identify and reach out to relevant journalists and influencers by analyzing their interests and past articles or posts. This can improve the targeting and effectiveness of media pitches.

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: PR departments can use AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants to handle common inquiries from the public or the media. These bots can provide immediate responses and free up human PR professionals for more strategic tasks.

Crisis Management: AI can assist in monitoring and responding to PR crises in real time. It can help detect potential issues early and provide data-driven recommendations for managing crises effectively.

Predictive Analytics: AI can predict PR trends and outcomes based on historical data, allowing PR professionals to make proactive decisions and develop more successful PR strategies.

Personalization: AI can help PR professionals personalize their communications to different target audiences, tailoring messages and content to specific demographics or segments.

Competitive Analysis: AI can analyze competitor strategies and media coverage, providing insights into what works and what doesn’t in your industry. This information can inform PR strategies and tactics.

Social Media Management: AI tools can schedule and optimize social media posts, analyze engagement metrics, and suggest content ideas based on audience interests and behaviors.

Measurement and ROI: AI can help PR professionals measure the impact of their efforts more accurately. Advanced attribution models can tie PR activities to business outcomes, demonstrating the value of PR to stakeholders.

Here is where AI told me don’t worry, we won’t become obsolete and are still useful:

While AI is undoubtedly becoming more important in PR, it’s essential for PR professionals to work alongside AI tools, using their expertise to interpret AI-generated insights and make strategic decisions. Additionally, ethical considerations, such as transparency and bias in AI algorithms, should be taken into account when integrating AI into PR practices.

Let me know how you feel about AI in PR. You can find me on Instagram at @DianaBassett_ and @DianaBassettPublicRelations. Stay tuned for some more exciting PRPLI events!

Peter Shankman, in addition to PR and social media expert, is also an author who recently published his latest book, The Boy with the Faster Brain. PRPLI has donated 50 copies of his book to the Book Faries, a nonprofit organization that sources and redistributes books to under-resourced communities on Long Island, NYC and internationally to provide equitable opportunities for children to learn, grow, and thrive.

Learn more about Diana Bassett, Founder and President of Diana Bassett Public Relations