Guest Blog by Hilary JM Topper, MPA, PRPLI Board of Directors, President of HJMT Public Relations Inc., Chief Curator at HJMT Media Company LLC, Host of Hilary Topper on Air, Triathlete, Certified USA Triathlon Coach, USMS Swim Coach, and RRCA Running Coach

I started HJMT Public Relations back in 1992 after working for several PR agencies and non-profit organizations in New York City. For years, I was diligent about the business and then I found a new passion, triathlons. I learned to run, swim, and to bike ride in 2015, having no prior knowledge of the sport. But as I’ve been competing now for nearly 10 years, I realized that triathlon training and running a PR firm are very similar.

Like running a PR business, success in triathlons doesn’t come easy. It requires dedication, planning, and continuous learning. Both are constantly evolving, and staying up to date with the latest trends and techniques is crucial for success.

The same feeling arises when you cross the finish line of a triathlon. You trained hard for months, pushed through injuries and setbacks, and finally, you made it. The sense of accomplishment is overwhelming – you’ve achieved something significant that required discipline, perseverance, and determination.

Having the Right Team

In both cases, having the right team or coach can make all the difference. They provide guidance, support, and expertise that can help you reach your goals. Similarly, dealing with loss, whether it’s losing a client or getting injured, can be tough but it’s part of the journey. These experiences teach us resilience and how to bounce back stronger.

Learning and Growing

When I started in the PR business, we communicated via telephone. There was no social media. But in 2006, when social media came on the market, I had to learn everything about social media for my business. Hence, I wrote my first book, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about social media but were afraid to ask – Building Business Using Consumer Generated Media, then my second book 10 years later in 2020 called Branding in a Digital World. When I didn’t know how to swim or switch gears on my bike, I knew I had to jump right in and learn every aspect of triathlon training. Like in business, you are continuously learning, adapting, and improving.

Landing a Big Client

The journey to landing a new client in business can indeed feel like preparing for and completing a triathlon. Both require months of preparation, hard work, and determination. You need to train yourself in multiple disciplines, be it swimming, cycling, and running for a triathlon, or marketing, sales, and customer service in business.

The thrill of landing a big client is akin to crossing the finish line of a big race. The adrenaline rush, the sense of achievement, and the satisfaction of seeing your hard work pay off – these are feelings that make all the hard work worthwhile.

Vital Aspects of the Business

Just like you learn about proper nutrition and hydration for your triathlon, you must understand the vital aspects of your business, such as market trends, consumer behavior, and competition. The way you set up transitions swiftly in a race, you also need to make quick decisions and adapt to changing circumstances in business.

The start of the race can feel chaotic, with hundreds of other competitors around you, much like the competitive business landscape where everyone is vying for a piece of the market. But you stay focused on your goals, ignoring the distractions and doing your best to stand out.

The Transition and the Race

Each transition from one segment of the race to another can feel exhausting, just like the different stages of securing a client – from initial contact, proposal, negotiation, to finally sealing the deal. Despite the exhaustion, you push through because you know what’s waiting at the finish line.

During the last leg of the race, even when you’re tired and feel like giving up, you remind yourself of the finisher’s chute in the distance. Similarly, in business, there will be moments of doubt and fatigue, but the sight of your goal – a successful deal with a new client – keeps you going.


My mantra – enjoy the journey and savor the victory. This encapsulates the essence of both life and success. It reminds us to find joy in the process, to appreciate the ups and downs, the learning, and the growth that comes with any endeavor. It’s about being present in the moment, taking one step at a time, and finding fulfillment in the progress. (I talk about this more in my new book, From Couch Potato to Endurance Athlete – A Portrait of a Non-Athletic Triathlete published by Meyer & Meyer Sports.)

At the same time, it encourages us to truly savor our victories. Celebrating success isn’t just about acknowledging the destination reached but also recognizing the journey that led to it. It’s about appreciating the hard work, dedication, and resilience that made the victory possible.

So, whether you’re running a business, training for a triathlon, or tackling any other challenge in life, this mantra serves as a wonderful guide. Enjoy every step of the journey and when you reach your goal, take a moment to savor the victory – because you’ve earned it!

Hilary JM Topper, MPA is the President of HJMT Public Relations Inc., a full-service public relations and social media marketing firm. She is also chief curator at HJMT Media Company LLC, where she writes two blogs – and She is also the host of Hilary Topper on Air. In her free time, she trains for triathlons and is a certified USA Triathlon Coach, USMS Swim Coach, and RRCA Running Coach.