A Peek into the Lives of this Year’s PRPLI Award Honorees – Long Island Achievement Award, Lance Reinheimer

A Peek into the Lives of this Year’s PRPLI Award Honorees – Long Island Achievement Award, Lance Reinheimer

Our Peek into the Lives of this Year’s Honorees continues with Lance Reinheimer, Executive Director of the Suffolk County Vanderbilt Museum.

So, Lance, tell us a little bit about your transition from college life to your first job in the communications field.

My journey from college to the communications field was long and winding. I majored in mathematics, sociology and accounting – hardly any communications courses. However, my freshman English composition professor taught me how to write by requiring one typewritten composition each week. After college, I accepted a position as a management trainee for an encyclopedia company. I honed my communication skills during my 20-year career as a budget analyst and report author. But it was eight years ago, when I accepted the position as the Executive Director of the Vanderbilt Museum, that I entered the communications field to promote this Long Island gem.

If you had the ability to go back in time, what career advice would you give yourself at 18?

Don’t worry about the future. It’s never what you envisioned. Life is a journey and it will have its share of ups and downs. Learn to enjoy the ride. Strive for internal balance between the spiritual, physical and intellectual self. Learn as much as you can every day, listen to others, respect their opinions, and develop your own conclusions from facts. Strive to “do the right thing,” guided by ethics. Enjoy your career; find fun in hard work, and satisfaction from knowing that you always do the best to your ability.

Very philosophical Lance, thank you; I’m sure many of our members can relate to your words of wisdom.  

What one thing would surprise your friends and co-workers to learn about you?

I am an introvert and not always comfortable talking with people I don’t know. I learned in my early 20s that life is a series of roles. One summer my employer asked me to be a tour guide on a bus trip to Nova Scotia. I was the only person available. With no experience or training, I was sent to New York City to meet the group. Older now, I frequently strike up conversations with strangers, but at heart I am still an introvert.

Thank you for answering our questions Lance.  We look forward to meeting and congratulating you on May 8th.

Our series is winding down, as we get closer to our Annual Awards Dinner. Be on the lookout for our next honoree.

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