Rachael Risinger

Happy New Year and Happy 30th Anniversary, PRPLI! 2020 is a milestone year, as it marks the 30th anniversary of the Public Relations Professionals of Long Island.

It’s an exciting time for PRPLI as we celebrate our past and look forward to our future. As a board, we continually discuss how to best grow the organization and keep our programming relevant.

For those of you who attended our programs and networking events this past fall, we hope you found them informative and engaging. We’re working on the rest of the year including a social influencer program in February, a networking event in March, the highly anticipated “Meet and Pitch the Media” Night in April, Awards Dinner in May and annual membership dinner in June.

If you haven’t joined or still need to renew your membership, take advantage of our Sweetheart Deal through February 16 and get the discounted membership rate of $75.00.

If you are a member and are looking to get more involved, please email us. We have a place for you! Click here for more information about our committees

I look forward to all we have planned and celebrating PRPLI’s 30th anniversary in the coming months. I hope you will join us!

All my best,

Rachael Risinger
President, PRPLI

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Send your blog to info@prpli.org with subject: “The PRofessional Blog Post.”