Careers and Camaraderie
by Bert Cunningham

Holy cow!! Where did the time go!?

What I remember most about the early days of PRPLI, with great fondness, is the camaraderie.

There were always great programs presented by well-versed speakers on a wide range of interesting and cutting-edge topics. They provided the grist for conversations among those attending after the formal program, which added to the value of the program’s lessons.

But during those conversations there was also the opportunity to share personal observations on one’s career and career development.

It was those shared conversations that could help put a pressing concern in perspective due to the trust one had in the person with whom those concerns were being shared.

The social fun we all enjoyed in those growth years with the beach parties, picnics and other PRPLI non-business activities helped build those bonds of trust.

I also need to give a big salute to Howard Blankman for being the driving force behind the founding of PRPLI.

Howard, who was a member of the Public Relations Society of America and one time president of its LI Chapter, came to realize that the local PRSA chapter was not serving the LI PR community well. It was expensive to join so for many PR pros, career starters and students it was beyond their ability to join.

Howard not only identified the need for a locally based PR association he also provided staff time and office resources to get it off the ground.

In many respects, Howard Blankman is the founding father of PRPLI, which makes it so appropriate that the annual Mentors Award is presented in his name.

As the Long Island public relations community blossomed and grew rapidly in the 1990s, PRPLI was there to foster the professional and personal growth of its members, and in many respects of the profession itself.

I truly enjoyed and appreciated my PRPLI experience and all the colleagues and friends I met along the way.

With apologies to Robert Frost: For me it was the road taken that truly did “make all the difference.”

About Bert Cunningham

Bert Cunningham is a recipient of PRPLI’s Jack Retalliata Lifetime Award and is one of the founding members of the organization. He is a member of the Board of Directors of EAC Inc. and is a historian for the 69th Regiment in NYC. His career highlights include Executive Director, Government and Community Relations & Chief of Staff for the Long Island Rail Road and senior communications roles for the Long Island Power Authority and the NY Power Authority.  He is the former President of Howard Blankman Inc. and the Blankman/Cunningham Group, whereby he represented corporate and not-for-profit clients. He has also served as adjunct Public Relations professor at Hofstra University.

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