A Peek into the Lives of this Year’s PRPLI Award Honorees – Jack Rettaliata Lifetime Achievement Award, Julie Gross Gelfand

A Peek into the Lives of this Year’s PRPLI Award Honorees – Jack Rettaliata Lifetime Achievement Award, Julie Gross Gelfand

Our Peek into the Lives of this Year’s Honorees continues with Julie Gross Gelfand, Director of Public Relations and Communications at Marcum.

Tell us a little bit about your transition from college life to your first job in the communications field.

My transition from college to a career was actually pretty smooth. I continued to work with the same company where I had been working part-time during school. I was an English major at Barnard College, working part-time at the Commodity Exchange on Wall Street, which is the precious metals futures market. When I was a senior, my boss asked what I wanted to do when I graduated, and I had no idea! I told him that, as an English major, I loved to read and write, and he said, “Great! Come write press releases for us.” I said, “Great! What are press releases?” From that auspicious start, I launched full frontal into the world of PR, and in no time was having the time of my life. I still am. 

I find your story rings true for many English majors but if you had the ability to go back in time, what career advice would you give yourself at 18? 

At 18, I had my heart set on a life in the theater. I wanted to spend my days (and nights) singing and dancing. It didn’t take long for me to realize I had neither sufficient talent nor sufficient drive for a successful career on the stage. So, I segued to my second love – English. I think I would tell my 18-year-old self to recognize the difference between passion and aspiration, and to trust in my instincts and smarts. If you’re very lucky, as I have been, you can find a way to blend your passion with your vocation. 

I feel you may have already answered this question by telling us about your love of the theater, but what else may surprise your friends and co-workers to learn about you?

I hated the idea of being in college – I couldn’t wait to graduate and start my grown-up life. Now I fantasize about going back for a graduate degree, or even for some non-matriculated brain food.

Thank you for answering our questions Julie.  We look forward to meeting and congratulating you on May 8th.

Our series is winding down, as we get closer to our Annual Awards Dinner. Be on the lookout for our last honoree.

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