The Latest from PRPLI: Member Moves & News

The Latest from PRPLI: Member Moves & News

Every month, we’re bringing you the latest on PRPLI’s activities and member information.

Member Moves:

Valerie Zurblis has joined Anchin, Block & Anchin LLP in New York City as Marketing Manager.

Nina McCann has moved to Citrin Cooperman in Melville as Marketing Manager.

Mindy Wolfe has joined Adults and Children with Learning and Developmental Disabilities,Inc. (ACLD) in Bethpage as Public Relations Associate.

Win Long Island Ducks Tickets:

Renew and pay for your PRPLI membership by July 1, 2019 to qualify for a drawing for four tickets to a Long Island Ducks baseball game (field box seats) scheduled for Sunday, July 21. To renew your membership, click here.

If you would like to write an article for the PRPLI blog or have news to share with the membership, contact us at PRPLI members only.

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What’s your story?

We’re accepting blog posts from PRPLI members.

Send your blog to with subject: “The PRofessional Blog Post.”


By |2024-07-06T21:28:43-04:00June 17th, 2019|Blog Archive, Newsletter|
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