What’s New at PRPLI: Introducing the PRofessional Blog

What’s New at PRPLI: Introducing the PRofessional Blog

By: Donna Rivera-Downey

donna rivera downeyPRPLI has a long tradition of publishing a newsletter for its members. Over the years it has gone from a printed piece to an electronic version and today we have moved into the digital world with the establishment of the “PRofessional” blog. We will be using this format as a way to communicate about developments, changes and insights into our profession, report out on our programs and events and to celebrate the accomplishments of our members. Does that sound familiar?

How are we going to accomplish this goal? Well we are going to need content. Lots and lots of content! So here is where you can help PRPLI. Offer to write a blog post, share your feedback on an interesting article or trend in our profession and let us know when we need to celebrate your accomplishments. Contributing is also a great way to increase your online presence. Our blog posts will be promoted through our website, social media and in our email newsletter to help boost your visibility and highlight your experience.

Speaking of member accomplishments, congratulation to Katherine Heaviside of Epoch 5 for being named the Best Publicist by Bethpage Best of Long Island. I also want to congratulate David Chauvin, Executive Vice President and Jake Mendlinger, Vice President of Zimmerman/Edelson, Inc. on their recent promotions.

This is also a perfect time for me to remind you about upcoming programs and events. On April 11, 2019, we will be hosting our annual Meet and Pitch the Media Night. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to get up close and personal with members of the media who will listen to a pitch and evaluate its potential. Many an attendee has re-worked their pitch and found a home for their story at this program.

Next on May 8, 2019, we have another great night for our members. It’s our PRPLI Awards Dinner! That is the night we celebrate our industry and the people who make it special. We will be announcing the award winners very soon and this blog will be the place to learn all about them.

I hope you find this new communication tool useful and will help us make it a valuable benefit for all our members. If you want to contribute or have news to share with the membership, contact us at info@prpli.com.

Donna Rivera-Downey
President, PRPLI

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We’re accepting blog posts from PRPLI members.

Send your blog to info@prpli.org with subject: “The PRofessional Blog Post.”


By |2024-07-06T21:29:48-04:00March 16th, 2019|Blog Archive, The Professional|
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