Celebrating 30 Years
PRPLI - Evolving With the Times. As we continue to celebrate PRPLI’s 30th anniversary, we’re going to explore the past pages of our newsletter and see how the public relations profession has evolved.
PRPLI - Evolving With the Times. As we continue to celebrate PRPLI’s 30th anniversary, we’re going to explore the past pages of our newsletter and see how the public relations profession has evolved.
Meet & Pitch the Media Night panelists offered a treasure trove of wisdom, but there were two key pieces of advice that I took away from this panel regarding pitching: keep it brief and be sure to pitch to the right reporter.
It is my pleasure to formally greet you for the first time in our new PRPLI year and it will be a unique year for our organization.
Careers and Camaraderie by Bert Cunningham Holy cow!! Where did the time go!? What I remember most about the early days of PRPLI, with great fondness, is the camaraderie. There were always great programs presented by well-versed speakers on a wide range of interesting and cutting-edge topics. They provided the grist for conversations among [...]
Our panel of experts illustrated how they handle integrated marketing at their organization with a brief case study then panel discussion.
When did the spoken word become verboten? The spoken word can be less misunderstood, more direct and less time consuming than a back-and-forth of emails.
If you majored in English, as I did, you may have been asked this question along the way: So you want to teach?
By Edie Reinhardt, RDT Content Marketing According to Edison Research, podcasting is the fastest growing type of media, which is why businesses and communication professionals are taking notice. How can podcasting help your business and your brand? PRPLI’s October program shared insights from local experts on how to maximize podcasting. Moderated by Jody Fisher, [...]
Benefits of PRPLI in the Workplace By Charmise Woodside-Desire During my time as a board member of PRPLI, I have enjoyed many engaging programs that have provided valuable insight in my role as a PR professional. Such sessions featured industry professionals who provided key tips and strategies to help everyone increase their reach and [...]