Too many emails!
When did the spoken word become verboten? The spoken word can be less misunderstood, more direct and less time consuming than a back-and-forth of emails.
When did the spoken word become verboten? The spoken word can be less misunderstood, more direct and less time consuming than a back-and-forth of emails.
If you majored in English, as I did, you may have been asked this question along the way: So you want to teach?
By Edie Reinhardt, RDT Content Marketing According to Edison Research, podcasting is the fastest growing type of media, which is why businesses and communication professionals are taking notice. How can podcasting help your business and your brand? PRPLI’s October program shared insights from local experts on how to maximize podcasting. Moderated by Jody Fisher, [...]
Benefits of PRPLI in the Workplace By Charmise Woodside-Desire During my time as a board member of PRPLI, I have enjoyed many engaging programs that have provided valuable insight in my role as a PR professional. Such sessions featured industry professionals who provided key tips and strategies to help everyone increase their reach and [...]
By Krista Giannak, Wise Words That Matter It may be ironic to outsiders but it’s true. I’m a PR professional and yet, I’ve had to face and overcome some strong fears of appearing on video. It’s also ironic that as a blind person, I was invited to speak on a video panel at LinkedIn Local [...]
Recently, the Public Relations Professionals of Long Island (PRPLI) held a Young Professionals Mixer event at the Refuge in Melville.
Every month, we’re bringing you the latest on PRPLI’s activities and member information.
Join us on June 18th for our Annual Member Dinner at Palmer’s American Grille in Farmingdale.
We felt confident enough in our speaking abilities, but the event was humbling in its own right.
We hope that you have enjoyed our Peek into the Lives of our Award Honorees series. To wrap up the series we spoke to Kali Chan, Director of Medicine Media Relations at Stony Brook Medicine.