Guest Blog by Janine Logan, Executive Vice President, Public Relations Professionals of Long Island
Vice President, Communications & Population Health, Nassau-Suffolk Hospital Council; Director, Long Island Health Collaborative

Nominate a person or organization who has worked to promote our region – Deadline is March 1

Receiving the Public Relations Professionals of Long Island’s Long Island Achievement Award puts you in such distinguished company.

That’s the first thought I had when I learned that the Long Island Health Collaborative (LIHC) was the recipient of the 2024 award. I direct the LIHC, but the award really was in recognition of the nearly 300 individuals from the region’s hospitals, community-based organizations, health departments, schools, colleges, governmental agencies, and even some businesses who have been working via a collective impact model since 2013 to improve the health of Long Islanders. These organizations offer so many diverse services and programs, many of them free, specifically aimed at helping Long Islanders better manage their chronic diseases and promoting services and programs to assist with mental health and substance misuse, both pervasive and persistent issues.  The LIHC is the backbone organization assisting with data analysis and collection, best practice sharing, and promotion of healthy lifestyle behaviors that are so integral to improved physical and mental health.

Past recipients of this award include the Fair Media Council, Discover Long Island, Long Island Parks and Recreation and other individuals representing such diverse industries as education, food assistance, business, and so many other initiatives that truly reflect Long Island’s rich and diverse landscape.  The award criteria are simple but impactful. The award is presented to a Long Island leader and/or organization who may or may not be a public relations practitioner, but who has effectively promoted Long Island through special events, issues, and other notable activities.

How to Nominate

If you know of an individual or an organization who is deserving of this award, please nominate them. Go to the PRPLI website and complete a simple application. There is no fee. The Long Island Achievement Award, along with PRPLI’s other annual awards, will be presented at a celebration luncheon to be held May 14, 2025, 11:30 am to 2:30 pm at the Westbury Manor.  The application deadline is March 1, 2025.

I still remember the pride I felt accepting this award on behalf of the Long Island Health Collaborative and the dozen or so LIHC members, all volunteers, who were in attendance. I know each and every one of them, including all those who could not join us, were so honored to be recognized for their hard work on behalf of all Long Islanders.