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For 30 years, engaging and enlightening programs have been the hallmark of PRPLI. Even during a pandemic, that is a tradition that we are proud to continue. This month, PRPLI is proud to bring you “Communicating in a New World,” with Peter Shankman. Mark your calendar for our virtual program on November 19 beginning at 6 pm.
You may know Peter as the founder of Help a Reporter Out (HARO). The New York Times has called Peter Shankman “a rock star who knows everything about social media and then some.” He is a 5x best selling author, entrepreneur and corporate keynote speaker. With three startup launches and exits under his belt, Peter is recognized for new ways of thinking about the customer experience, social media, PR, marketing, advertising, and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and the new neurodiverse and remote economies.
 Peter is a worldwide influencer and/or spokesperson for several global brands, as well as a father, a 2x Ironman triathlete, a class B licensed skydiver, and a serious Peloton addict. 
Join us for a unique, intimate opportunity to hear Peter speak at our virtual program. Register here

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