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Tickets & Tables

Pricing for Tickets:

  • $100 for members
  • $130 for non-members
  • $50 for students
  • $1100 for a table of 10
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  • Pearl $2,000
    Table of 10; full-page ad in a commemorative journal with premium placement; recognition in all event advertising, promotion and publicity; logo recognition on event signage and dinner gift; journal and podium mentions; logo placement on PRPLI website for one year.
  • Platinum $1,500
    Table of 10; half-page ad in a commemorative journal; recognition in event advertising, promotion, and publicity; logo recognition on event signage and dinner gift; journal and podium mentions.
  • Gold $750
    Four tickets; half-page ad in a commemorative journal; logo recognition on event signage and dinner gift; journal and podium mentions.
  • Silver $500
    Two tickets; half-page ad in a commemorative journal; recognition on event signage; journal and podium mentions.

Full Page Ad $175 (4.5”w x 7.5”h)
Half Page Ad $100 (4.5”w x 3.5”h)

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*Sponsorship and Journal Ad commitment and materials due no later than 5/9/2022.
For more information about our honorees and to order tickets, tables, sponsorships, and journal ads, contact Award
Co-Chairs Lauren Allen, lkallen@venable.com; Tina Panos, tina@panosgraphics.com; Jen Hayen, jhayen@lipower.org.

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